Ten reasons why teachers are amazing!

Ten reasons why teachers are amazing!

A huge shout out to teachers – the people who spend more time with our children each day during the week than parents themselves! You have done an amazing job during the pandemic, continuing to inspire and nurture our children and help them come through the uncertainty of the past 2 years. I believe the hard work of teachers is often overlooked and I want to say a BIG thank you to all teachers across the world for the fantastic work that they do.

Here are ten reasons why I think teachers are amazing, please do let me know if you have any to add:

  1. They inspire curiosity. Curiosity is a strong motivator in boosting your motivation and engagement with education and the world around you.
  2. They have an exceptional tolerance of noisy chatter. Teachers allow kids to be kids, while instilling a love of learning in their hearts.
  3. They open a world of possibility and make learning FUN! It's not unusual for teachers to suddenly sing, dance, or take part in silly activities to show that learning something new can be fun and will show that in their own creative ways.
  4. They give attention and acceptance to all kids.
  5. They help foster a love for reading, writing, and learning. Reading and writing are SO important, and these are skills that we use for the rest of our lives.
  6. They see the potential in every kid and do everything within their power to bring out their best.
  7. Not only do they give students the gift of learning they also give them the gift of thinking for themselves.
  8. They are patience experts. Teachers have the patience of a saint. That is all.
  9. They shape future generations. Teachers shape the future by touching lives and strengthening communities.
  10. They can pretty much do it all! They are not only teachers, they are mentors, coaches, motivators, supporters, and friends. What can't teachers do!? And when they can't, they'll find a way!

With this in mind and as a special thank you, I have created a page on the website dedicated to helping teachers bring The squirrel’s Tail to life in the classroom. We have lots of time-saving resources including downloadable worksheets and colouring pages along with a very special discount just for teachers!


You can also now arrange a virtual book reading with myself, Julian Reisz with an opportunity for children to buy a signed copy of the book itself. Get in touch today to find out more!